Visit us


Worship Service: 9:30am
Life Connections Class: 11:00am
Evening Service: 5:00pm

Prayer Service: 7:30pm


We are located near the corner of Artesia Blvd. & Normandie Ave. next to Sam’s Club

17120 S. Normandie Ave.,
Gardena, CA 90247


We are live-streaming our 9:30am Sunday worship services each week on YouTube and Facebook.

Contact Info

17120 S. Normandie Ave.
Gardena, CA 90247



Current Sermon Series

Sunday Worship Service
Striving according to His Working

Sunday Evening Service
A sermon series through the book of Nehemiah

Midweek Service
Keep Thy Heart with All Diligence (Proverbs 4:23)

Connect with us online


Online giving is a way for our church to make it easier to give to God in worship and further the mission of the church to reach people with the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. We have two easy methods to give if you are interested in contributing.

Giving Online

Giving online is fast, easy and secure. You can give a one-time gift or schedule a recurring gift if you desire to do so. You can access our giving page by clicking the link below.

Giving by Text

You can give by texting. In addition to the option of giving online, you can modify your recurring giving or cancel a gift within 24 hours sending the text. If you text “commands” to 424-610-9290 you can get a full list of options available through text.